Baroody's Game Development Site

A Website to help you program computer games

Step 1:  The Form

The first thing to do is to set up the form.  Start up Visual Basic and create a new "Standard.exe" file.  Select Form 1 and change the following properties as indicated:




BackColor &H00FF0000&
BorderStyle 1-Fixed Single
Caption Pong
Control Box False
ForeColor &H00FFFFFF&
Height 8520
Width 8625

It should be pretty clear what each of these properties does.  Your form should look like this:

Pong Form Step 1

Now, you need to add all the game pieces (the top, left, right, and bottom walls, the ball, and the paddle - all shape controls), three labels, two command buttons, and a timer.  The only thing that is new here is the timer.  For now, just put it on the form and name it...we'll deal with how to use it in a later lesson.  You can use your own properties for these objects, or you can use the following properties, which will give you something that looks just like my version of the game.


Control Type Shape
(Name) shpWallLeft
BorderColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillStyle 0 - Solid
Height 5987
Left 0
Shape 0 - Rectangle
Top 0
Width 25
Control Type Shape
(Name) shpWallTop
BorderColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillStyle 0 - Solid
Height 25
Left 0
Shape 0 - Rectangle
Top 0
Width 8650
Control Type Shape
(Name) shpWallRight
BorderColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillStyle 0 - Solid
Height 5987
Left 8500
Shape 0 - Rectangle
Top 0
Width 25
Control Type Shape
(Name) shpWallBottom
BorderColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillStyle 0 - Solid
Height 25
Left 0
Shape 0 - Rectangle
Top 5967
Width 8650
Control Type Shape


BorderColor &H0000FFFF&
FillColor &H0000FFFF&
FillStyle 0 - Solid
Height 255
Left 8040
Shape 3 - Circle
Top 360
Visible False
Width 255
Control Type Shape


BorderColor &H00FFFFFF&
FillColor &H0000FFFF&
FillStyle 0 - Solid
Height 195
Left 3817
Shape 0 - Rectangle
Top 5640
Width 900
Control Type Label
(Name) lblBall
BackColor &H00FF0000&
Caption ""
ForeColor &H00FFFFFF&
Height 255
Left 120
Top 6120
Width 975
Control Type Label
(Name) lblGameOver
Alignment 2 - Center
BackColor &H00FF0000&
Caption "Game Over!"
ForeColor &H00FFFFFF&
Height 255
Left 3720
Top 6120
Visible False
Width 1095
Control Type Label
(Name) lblPlayer1Score
Alignment 2 - Center
BackColor &H8000000F&
BorderStyle 1 - Fixed Single
Caption ""
Font MS Sans Serif / Bold / 18
ForeColor &H80000012&
Height 495
Left 1080
Top 6840
Width 735
Control Type Label
(Name) lblPlayer1HitsLabel
Alignment 2 - Center
BackColor &H00FF0000&
Caption "Number of Hits"
ForeColor &H00FFFFFF&
Height 255
Left 1020
Top 7440
Width 1095
Control Type Command Button
(Name) cmdNewGame
Caption "&Play"
Height 255
Left 5800
Top 6120
Width 1215
Control Type Command Button
(Name) cmdExit
Caption "E&xit"
Height 255
Left 7080
Top 6120
Width 1215
Control Type Timer
(Name) tmrMain
Interval 1
Left 2160
Top 6120

After adding all these controls, your form should look like the one below:

Pong Form - Step 2

That's it for the form!  If you're ready to start the code, then click here or select Step 2: Setting Up on the navigation bar.