On this page, you'll find the comic strips I featured on my web page during the 2002-2003 school year. They're ordered from oldest to newest...enjoy!
03-05-11 - |
I think there are a few of you out there who have
had this conversation... |

03-04-20 - |
OK, I'll admit it...I think Ruben should walk away with this thing... |

03-04-13 - |
You ever feel this way? |

03-04-12 - |
Yep...this is the way I feel about it... |

03-03-30 - |
OK, so I usually stay away from political stuff on my site, but this particular strip seemed appropriate somehow... |

03-03-30 - |
Of course, Jeremy made me laugh again as well... |

03-03-16 - |
Sometimes I feel like Jeremy's mom when I'm walking down the halls of school... |

03-03-09 - |
These guys definitely have teenaged sons or daughters... |

03-03-09 - |
This is about the use I get out of my digital camera...now Bridger...he really uses his! |

03-03-02 - |
Hopefully, this doesn't happen to you too often.... |

03-02-26 - |
OK, we got a little silly in my morning geometry class today...(this actually started as a circle, but went astray pretty quickly!)... |

Which , of course, drew a response from my afternoon geometry class!

03-02-26 - |
You don't know how lucky you have it when you're your age....enjoy it now!! |

03-02-23 - |
Is this your issue some days? |

03-02-14 - |
OK, it's Valentine's Day, so here's the Valentine's Day Comic... |

03-02-14 - |
And here are the two comics that I thought were really funny today! For instance...I don't know that I've ever heard a better explanation for the existence of a higher being! |

03-02-14 - |
And finally, one for you guys...ever feel this way about your parents? They are doing it in your best interest, you know... |

03-02-07 - |
As an aside - I know that "Zits" is most often the featured comic on my site, but it just hits the right buttons - you know what I mean? Anyway...you might feel like Jeremy does about exercise, but I just want you to know that a different day is coming...it's just a matter of time before you'll be telling everyone about "that great mountain bike ride or run" you had the other day...(either that or I'm just going insane at an early age!) |

03-02-06 - |
Yes, there are such things as letter openers! |

03-02-02 - |
Finally, some clarification on an issue I've argued (correctly, mind you) with many of you! |

03-01-25 - |
Don't try this technique on your math homework!! |

03-01-13 - |
I hope your heads aren't this full right now...where will all that mid-year exam information fit? |

03-01-12 - |
I'm starting to fell a little like Zipper, particularly given the ridiculous amount of space taken up on my computer by music! |

03-01-09 - |
Is this why you guys are always so tired?? |

02-12-31 - |
You feel like you're in prison? |

02-11-29 - |
hmmm...sound familiar? |

02-11-24 - |
yep...you do have a lot for which to be thankful....remember to pass those compliments during our vacation... |

02-11-17 - |
You ever had one that didn't hold water? |

02-11-13 - |
Think he's watching you? |

02-11-10 - |
Do you ever feel this way at dinner with your
folks? I know I did...but, trust me, you get over it with time! |

02-11-02 - |
Know anyone like this??? |

02-10-20 - |
OK, I couldn't pick just one this week....these both seemed appropriate and made me laugh! |

02-10-10 - |
Hmm...I think I've heard both of these habits in the halls at DSHS.... |

02-09-29 - |
Maybe being a teenager with homework isn't so bad??? |

02-09-15 - |
Hmmm...this seems like a familiar refrain around DSHS as well.... |

02-09-01 - |
This is my kind of student!! |
