you are here > 2009-2010 Comics Archive

On this page, you'll find the comic strips I featured on my web page during the 2009-2010 school year.  They're ordered from newest to oldest...enjoy!

10-06-16 - May you have lots of motor oil on your face soon!

10-06-16 Red & Rover

10-06-11 - I guess I'm not "beautiful."

10-06-11 The Meaning of Lila

10-06-08 - Don't delete math from your brains yet! One more week!!

10-06-08 Jump Start

10-05-26 - Not sure when this actually first ran, but it's considered a "classic" now. Anyway, it made me start to thing about your upcoming tests and finals...I wouldn't recommend this technique unless you've got your earbuds in or headphones on!

10-05-26 Fox Trot Classics

10-05-18 - May you have someone in your life about whom you feel similarly...

10-05-18 Red & Rover

10-05-11 - It is NOT opinion!

10-5-11 Frazz

10-05-03 - I hope you don't have this feeling...

10-05-01 Zits

10-04-28 - I'm sure you feel this way least I'm not the one causing the heavily weighted backpacks...

10-04-28 Heart of the City

10-04-16 - This is one I got earlier in the year, but never used...anyway, it expressed the way I feel about Shasta (she rocks!) and I'll be missing her this week...have a great vacation!

10-02-05 Red and Rover

10-04-13 - As KOMAN said, "hah!" Don't believe everything you read online!

10-04-12 Argyle Sweater

10-04-08 - I hope you remember something from the past 6 maybe, arc length, or the altitude-on-hypotenuse theorems, or maybe some random conversation we had in class?! Something? Anything??!!

10-04-02 Zits

10-03-30 - Are you this dependent on an internet connection? I know my family thinks that I am...

10-03-30 Frazz

10-03-24 - I think you're way too distracted when you're doing homework...if you focused on one thing at a time, you'd be better off...

10-03-23 Zits

10-03-22 - Now I understand my son's reaction to questions I have for him...

10-03-22 Zits

10-03-18 - If only this said "math test" instead of "science quiz!"

10-03-11 Rose Is Rose

10-03-11 - Happy Seminar Day! Hope your homework situation isn't too bad...

10-03-11 Adam @ Home

10-02-28 - Oh hit it right on the head again!

10-02-28 Zits

10-02-25 - Do you think I look like every other adult? I hope not, but if you do, then pppthhhhh!

10-02-25 Zits

10-02-22 - Welcome back! I hope you don't use this strategy for any formal dances around here...

10-02-22 Zits

10-02-13 - Let's hope there aren't too many days of rain this vacation...probably not, right? I'm just glad I won't be looking out any classroom windows for a while! Have a great vacation!!

09-12-30 Red & Rover

10-02-12 - Happy Spring!

10-02-12 Non Sequitur

10-02-11 - I always tell Shasta that I love her...

10-02-11 Red and Rover

10-02-09 - I know this is the feeling around my house...

10-02-07 Stone Soup

10-02-05 - Poor Paige...she really doesn't like Morton much...if it's you, though, don't break your phone!

10-01-24 Fox Trot

10-02-02 - Poor Phil...

10-02-02 Rhymes with Orange

10-02-01 - Don't play this game...

10-01-07 Argyle Sweater


10-01-20 - This is for you, Orange...good luck with that Internet connection!

10-01-20 Rhymes with Orange

10-01-19 - I hope my son Dylan doesn't see this...he's still wearing shorts...

10-01-19 Zits

10-01-13 - Let's not play this game, huh?

10-01-06 Close To Home

10-01-08 - Gotta love the flexibilty and specificity that math provides!

10-01-06 Ryhmes with Orange

10-01-04 - Wecome back! I saw this one and thought that I can't wait to see Avatar...I've also seen a few Dead shows in my time...

10-01-04 Adam @ Home

09-12-21 - I enjoyed a few moments like this over the weekend...did you?!

09-12-21 Red & Rover

09-12-18 - Ah yes...made me think of Shasta, who is still licking even if she's not walking right now...

09-12-15 Red & Rover

09-12-16 - Ah yes...made me think of Shasta, who is still licking even if she's not walking right now...

09-12-14 Red & Rover

09-12-13 - Oh,'re still a classic...

09-12-08 Calvin

09-12-08 - Interesting strategy...happy birthday Meemer!

09-12-08 Frazz

09-12-07 - I hope you don't feel like this when you're having a math test...

09-11-03 Pluggers

09-11-30 - I hope you had a chance to do this over your break...we're in the stretch run for 2nd term now!

09-11-05 Red & Rover

09-11-25 - Let's try "Faceprint Turkeys" sounds like fun! Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!

09-11-14 Cul de Sac

09-11-24 - I love Red...he's got such creative ideas...maybe you could use this one for your construction project?!?

09-11-24 Red & Rover

09-11-22 - Hmm....could be a good strategy for the end of this week, huh?

09-10-31 Winnie the Pooh

09-11-15 - Gotta love geometry...

09-11-02 Rose is Rose

09-11-12 - hasn't been October sun, but that November sun sure has been nice...

09-10-18 Stone Soup

09-11-10 - Me too...

09-10-15 Red & Rover

09-11-06 - Hmm...I don't think that's all that good an idea...

09-10-03 Cul de Sac

09-11-03 - I'm almost out of candy corn...think I'll crash?

09-11-03 Frazz

09-10-30 - Happy Halloween!!

09-10-30 Math Department Halloween

09-10-28 - Please don't be this way when you get your license...

Zits 09-09-24

09-10-24 - I wish I had a Pierce...

Zits 09-09-24

09-10-16 - OK, so some upperclass-folk feel this way, but not everyone does! Have a great weekend all!

Zits 09-09-24

09-10-14 - Ah...the advantages of being good at math...

09-09-20 Fox Trot


09-10-04 - Hmm...should I feel this way at MCAS time?


09-10-03 - Maybe I should try this with Mrs. Lonergan?!

09-09-18 Rhymes with Orange


09-09-30 - Hah! Tell your parents to watch out!

09-09-17 Rhymes with Orange


09-09-21 - Like this one too...I'm learning a lot here!

09-09-16 Rhymes with Orange


09-09-19 - Ooohh...good technique!

09-09-15 Rhymes with Orange


09-09-18 - Ah yes...Jedi you think I qualify? Mr. Potts certainly does!

09-09-14 Rhymes with Orange


09-09-16 - Mmmmm....homework!

09-09-09 Rhymes with Orange


09-09-15 - Let's not be Holly, OK?

09-09-14 Stone Soup


09-09-12 - Make sure to appreciate the down time this weekend!!

09-09-12 Heart of the City


09-09-11 - At least you don't have to have a big book if you don't want it....

09-09-09 Heart of the City


09-09-09 - Still feeling this way? I'm good on Tuesday, but Friday is a different story...

09-09-08 Stone Soup


09-09-07 - Did you finish your summer reading?

09-09-03 Frazz


09-09-02 - I'm not really ready to let go of summer yet either...

09-09-02 Frazz


09-08-30 - Expect to see Paige, Peter, and Jason a lot this year!

09-08-30 Fox Trot


09-08-26 - Poor least her Gramma cares!

09-08-26 Foxt Trot


09-08-25 - She's really struggling with this...

09-08-25 Fox Trot


09-08-24 - Aren't you glad you're past this stage?

09-08-24 Fox Trot

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