On this page, you'll find the comic strips I featured on my web page during the 2012-2013 school year. They're ordered from newest to oldest...enjoy!
13-06-21 - |
OK...you did it! Congrats, and enjoy the summer! |

13-06-13 - |
I know I would never give homework this week... |

13-06-10 - |
Lots of "summer" comics coming up in the next week... |

13-06-10 - |
Lots of "summer" comics coming up in the next week... |

13-05-23 - |
There are definitely days when I feel like this too....can't wait for summer! |

13-05-22 - |
Not sure why, but this made me laugh the other day... |

13-05-14 - |
Totally love the first frame here...might have to pick that up as a new phrase... |

13-05-09 - |
Omar suggested the following two... |

13-05-06 - |
Hope your quiz "wasn't too bad..." |

13-04-30 - |
Made me chuckle.. |

13-04-05 - |
Seems about right... |

13-03-25 - |
I've listened and watched Bruins games from some pretty odd locations, so this one made sense to me... |

13-03-07 - |
Made me laugh for some reason... |

13-02-27 - |
Not a good strategy.... |

13-02-26 - |
Hmmm...sounds like an answer I might give! |

13-02-26 - |
I LOVE fractions!! |

13-02-26 - |
Ha! You would know better than this, right? |

13-02-24 - |
Welcome back fromvacation! We're entering the "March Doldrums," but hopefully, you'll be OK to make it through with flying colors. Maybe you should try Eileen and Jason's technique? |

13-02-11 - |
Welcome back from ...I'm thinking of beaches now...are you? If you are, try to keep your focus until after our test this week!! |

13-02-07 - |
Always wondered this too... |

13-01-27 - |
I get this same routine at my house...who are you more like, Peter & Paige or Jason? |

13-01-27 - |
If you did well on your midyear, you should like Jeremy!! |

13-01-22 - |
Don't try this...you still have to take that midyear exam!! |

13-01-08 - |
I know a few kids who feel like this... |

12-12-21 - |
I won't be updating things for a while...I guess I'll leave you with this old one...have a great vacation! |

12-12-16 - |
I wouldn't mind amoebas... |

12-12-12 - |
A little shout out for those D&D players out there... |

12-11-21 - |
Good advice...don't eat your homework! |

12-11-19 - |
Political math!! |

12-11-17 - |
I bet it is...I know Shasta works at it 24-7 in our house! |

12-11-06 - |
Don't use this excuse...it's all up to you now!! |

12-11-07 - |
Made me smile this morning... |

12-10-28 - |
Maybe I should try this...any nurses in the crowd? |

12-10-21 - |
Not a good study strategy... |

12-10-21 - |
This is a Sunday morning tradition in our house... |

12-10-21 - |
Just goes to show that you should try your best to be one of "smart ones." |

12-10-13 - |
This happens in our house a lot... |

12-10-12 - |
An unsolved Rubic's cube probably sums it up well for many of our current juniors and seniors, huh? |

12-10-11 - |
Bet you shut up like a safe when talking about boys/girls, huh? |

12-10-10 - |
This was a good week for Jeremy... |

12-10-09 - |
Are you like this when your folks want to know what's going on? |

12-09-30 - |
I hope the pres doesn't have to focus that hard to do long division... |

12-09-15 - |
It seems like this around our house on the weekends...don't wonder why your parents give you that look...maybe help them out instead! |

12-09-09 - |
No snoring now... |

12-09-08 - |
Hopefully, you won't feel this way about math when you're done with school... |

12-09-04 - |
I'm having this problem too... |

12-09-01 - |
Remember those fudgsicles! |

12-08-29 - |
You've only got two day...that should be enough time! |

12-08-13 - |
Hmmm....the first thoughts are starting to surface about the upcoming year... |

12-06-20 - |
Have a great summer...my plan is to get some dirty knees... |
