you are here > 2005-2006 Comics Archive

On this page, you'll find the comic strips I featured on my web page during the 2005-2006 school year. They're ordered from newest to oldest...enjoy!

06-06-21 - Yeah...ah well....summer is pretty good!

06-06-21 Red & Rover

06-06-20 - And definitely don't burn that image of me on the beach...although I will spend plenty of time there...Woohoo!!!  Have a great summer!

06-06-20 Curtis

06-06-20 - Do do the sleep in thing....don't do the dreaming of missing the bus thing....Enjoy!!

06-06-20 Red & Rover

06-06-12 - Don't erase everything yet....make it until Friday!!

06-06-12 Jump Start

06-05-29 - Yes it could be....

06-05-29 Red & Rover

06-05-27 - Admiring looks...that's what we should be shooting for!!

06-05-27 Fox Trot

06-05-25 - Bummer...let's not do this, huh?

06-05-25 Fox Trot

06-05-16 - Try this one might work!

06-05-16 Red & Rover

06-05-16 - The end is closer than we think!

06-05-16 Heart of the City

06-05-09 - Hmm....anyone else starting to think about SV?  I certainly hope that, if you are, you're not going to overdo it...

06-05-09 Zits

06-04-24 - Welcome back!  I hope your vacation was great and relaxing....make sure those iPod batteries are's time to get going again!

06-04-24 Zits

06-04-09 - I've been feeling this way lately..

06-04-09 Zits

06-04-09 - Cool...more math!!!

06-04-09 Foxt Trot

06-04-06 - Lots of non-listening goes on around here sometimes too...try to listen occasionally - you never know what you might hear!

06-04-06 Zits

06-04-04 - Here's an interesting strategy for talking with your parents...

06-04-04 Zits

06-04-04 -

Did you know that on Wednesday....that's tomorrow...that a cool numbers thing will be happening?  At precisely three seconds into the second minute of the second hour of the day, your clock/calendars will read:

01:02:03 04/05/06

I'm convinced that it's worth waking up for...I'll be setting my alarm for about you?


06-04-02 - This was from the makes me think of all of you when you enter my classroom...I love your energy!

06-04-02 Zits

06-03-28 - Is this the way you "talk" to your parents....think about it....

06-03-28 Zits

06-03-27 - I can see this happening...

06-03-27 Zits

06-03-21 - Hmm...sounds like a plan...

06-03-21 Zits

06-03-08 - Thanks to Emma for this should help with your upcoming test!!

06-03-08 Fox Trot

06-03-06 - Math joke!  I hope you don't feel this way after our Chapter 9 test next week....

06-03-06 Fox Trot

06-02-15 - Remember...don't be too cautious in your life - make sure to be yourself and have fun!  I hope you all have a great vacation...see you in a week or so!

06-02-15 Cornered

06-02-10 - This is NOT what I mean when I say to "show your work!"

06-02-10 Fox Trot

06-02-07 - Hmm...let's hope you don't have too many of these types of "opportunity sessions!"

06-02-07 Zits

06-02-02 - Ever feel this way?

06-01-30 Fox Trot

06-01-30 - Finally something that's not Zits...

06-01-30 Mother Goose & Grimm

06-01-26 - Ever feel this way?

06-01-26 Zits

06-01-24 - Hee, hee!

06-01-24 Zits

06-01-23 - Welcome to 2nd semester!! You made it through those mid-years...congratulations!  I thought we could get back to a little less "academically oriented" comics for a bit now.  I think my kids aren't quite yet to the stage that Jeremy is in, but they're getting close.  I'm sure you're there already!  Here's to a great 2nd semester!!

06-01-23 Zits

06-01-13 - Friday the 13th, and more of those great Zits strips from last week...

06-01-09 Zits

06-01-10 Zits

06-01-11 Zits

06-01-12 Zits

06-01-12 - Given all those Zits comics of the past week or so, here's one that should give you some your darkest times this next week while you're feeling overwhelmed with work, just think about this....and take a break to go throw the ball for your dog!

06-01-12 Red & Rover

06-01-11 - OK, so this whole series last week was great and very appropriate at this time of year, so I thought I'd put it here.  I particularly like the last one (snicker, snicker)!!

06-01-04 Zits

06-01-05 Zits

06-01-06 Zits

06-01-07 Zits

06-01-02 - See if you can find someone like'll make you feel great about midyears!

06-01-02 Zits

06-01-01 - Happy New Year!  Was this you on vacation?

06-01-01 Zits

05-12-20 - Have a great Christmas / Hannukah / Kwanzaa / Three King's Day / Holiday vacation everyone!!

05-12-20 Non Sequitur

05-12-14 - I hope you don't feel like this about your dinners at home...

05-12-14 Zits

05-12-10 - It's getting to that time of year when I start getting sappy...

05-12-10 For Better or for Worse

05-11-29 - Sorry about the quality of this one...I had a hard time finding it online, but it was in the Globe today...

05-11-29 Calvin & Hobbes

05-11-28 - Gimme a "P!"  Gimme an "E!"  Gimme an "R!" ......

05-11-28 Non Sequitur

05-11-23 - I loved this one...I think I'll sign up for that show!

05-11-23 Non Sequitur

05-11-23 - How could I pass up on the reference to "studying math extra hard?"

05-11-23 Heart of the City

05-11-23 - Good thought for the next few days... "It ain't Hate-givin', it's Thanks-givin'!!"  Have a great one, and do give thanks!!

05-11-23 Boondocks

05-11-21 - Ahh...the wisdom of Hobbes...

05-11-21 Calvin & Hobbes

05-11-13 - I laughed out loud at this one...

05-11-13 Rhymes with Orange

05-11-09 - Ah yes...those falling off, too big pants that really bother "older" people...

05-11-09 Zits

05-11-06 - I hope you're not like this to your parents....but I bet some of you are...

05-11-06 Zits

05-11-06 - Here's a little challenge for you....if you get the correct answer to me by Friday, November 18, then I'll give you 5 bonus points on the test/quiz of your choice in the 2nd quarter.  You have to find the things circled in the search area...I know you don't yet know how to do all those calculations, but let's see what you can come up with!  I'll leave it up to you to figure them can ask other math teachers, but not me!  Make sure to show your work, as always - even on the easy ones!! Also...I'm trusting you to work on this in an honorable other words, don't just copy the answers from someone else!!!

05-11-06 Fox Trot

05-11-02 - I know this is the way I've felt after downing all the candy corn I've been eating the last few days....

05-11-02 Red & Rover

05-10-26 - I hope my kids aren't like this for any of you who babysit for us!!  FYI - this was originally published in 1994...

05-10-26 Calvin & Hobbes

05-10-17 - I always had a problem with this kid....with the class participation discussion we had the other day, I thought this was apropos...

05-10-17 Fox Trot

05-10-15 - I bet you feel this way, huh?

05-10-15 Zits

05-10-11 - Go Jason!

05-10-11 Foxt Trot

05-10-21 - Hmmm....another strategy you can't use on me now that I know about it!

05-10-02 Fox Trot

05-09-30 - Thanks to Matt Perini for this one...

05-09-30 Fox Trot

05-09-15 - I know this look....I think I even give this look now and then...

05-09-15 Zits

05-09-11 - Uh...yeah, I you?

05-09-11 Zits

05-09-04 - yours this bad already?

05-09-04 Zits

05-09-04 - Yea...I felt this way when I was doing my back to school shopping...

05-0-9-04 Stone Soup

05-09-04 - Thankfully, no one reacted this way to their Geometry book!

05-09-04 Fox Trot

05-09-01 - OK, I'll admit it...the first one here should have been up last week, but you're probably feeling a little like this, aren't you? I just thought the second one was could be that was because of that, couldn't it?   ;-)

05-08-26 Fox Trot

05-08-26 Non Sequitur

05-08-22 - I'm feeling this way right now...

05-08-22 Red & Rover

05-08-12 - Thinking about school yet?  I've just barely begun to...

05-08-12 Zits

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